
We'll make it easy, we promise.

We design websites, desktop applications and database platforms from the bottom up. We devise solutions for your unique business needs and never put you in premade boxes. Our products and services are made specifically for you.

Let us put your business online, we promise, we'll make it easy.

Browsing Safely

Browsing Safely was our first website, made in 2005-2006.

A clean, rather minimalistic and static design was chosen as requested by the clients and at the time the popular content management systems (CMS); PHPNuke and Joomla were not inexpensive to theme. The website still used some PHP for its header/footer includes but the majority of the website was to be static. A few years later the website changed management and it moved to the newer Joomla 1.5.x with a design created by the new owners. All in all a great first gig.


Browsing Safely Website Screenshot